In the small town of San Juan in Puerto Rico, the residents lived in fear of a mysterious creature known...
In the heart of Salem, Massachusetts, there stood an old Victorian house with a dark and sinister past. The house...
There was once a mysterious figure known only as the Slender Man. No one knew where he came from, or what his true intentions were, but one thing was certain: he brought terror and woe to wherever he went. It started with small reports from the outskirts of towns. Children...
There was once a young boy named Tim who lived with his mother and stepfather in a small, isolated town....
It wasn’t easy living in New York City but Mariela had adjusted to the fast paced city life in no...
Sherman awoke soaked in sweat, breathing heavily, and feeling
Once upon a time, in a small town surrounded by dense woods, a young girl named Emily went missing while...
Dan was going through his usual daily routine one mundane Saturday morning – or so he thought. He didn’t really...
There was once a family that lived in a small village, where rumors of a haunted house had been circulating for years. The family didn’t believe in ghosts, so when the opportunity arose to buy the house at a low price, they immediately jumped on the opportunity. But from the...
As told by a spunky 3rd Grader On a Halloween night, on a year long forgotten, there once lived a...
In the dark and forgotten corners of the world, there lived a horde of demons who roamed the earth, seeking...
It would take two days to drive up to his parent’s home but he had a rational fear of flying and would rather drive than take a train. He had more control that way, he thought. Alfred didn’t mind driving the distance since it afforded him the opportunity to stop...